There’s something about a millionaire doing these low-budget viral commercials.

A few weeks ago, while sitting in a hotel room, candle waxing with my girlfriend. I happened to see a late night talk show, probably Jay Leno, maybe it was Letterman, that featured a performance by Soulja Boy and Sammy.  They did a non-stirring rendition of whatever his ring-tone, top 10 tune is right now. Maybe I’m being negligent in paying this dude little mind, but he does seem to have the attention of critics and tweeny-bopper fans world wide.  I figured I’d chip in a few minutes and a post on the phenom that is Soulja Boy.

I remember how kids in the hood were doing the Superman dance like it was really the business back in ’07, 106 and Park really wouldn’t leave that video alone for months that summer.

Little did I know that Keisha’s little brother, showing me this ridiculous dance was actually first-hand education in a piece of pop culture history.  See the critical breakdown of Soulja Boy Tell’em by LA Times/LA Weekly critic Jeff Weiss and former rap mag editor, New York Times critic Jon Caramanica — in the paper he co-wrote for the Experience Music Project.  You see in those works that the kid is more than just a passing teen and pop fixation. Still, at this point, and with said critical looks, I’m waiting for son to get his own SWPL listing.

Anti-War Message, In My Name

Like any other vain writer-type kinda guy, I Google myself. I know that sounds inappropriate, but we all do it. Just today, taking a break at my old pals crib in San Antonio (yes, I’m decompressing from SXSW ’08) I came across this sincere attempt at some kind of emo-esque anti-war rock jam by State Radio. It’s a finely shot video about a jailed conscientious objector who bears my first name. The video is an indictment against this bloody, dragged out war we’re fighting in oil land, and takes more than some cues from Fahrenheit 9/11. Well, check it out. It was eerie to hear my name sung in a chorus like that, but ever eerie-er that it’s referring to some young man locked down for not supporting some crooked politics.